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The 15-Item Malingered Mood Disorder Scale (MMDS) - PDF (545KB)
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Malingering, Mental Retardation, and the Death Penalty - PDF (582KB)
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Neuropsychological Consultation In the Sentencing Phase of Capital Cases - PDF (381KB)
Heilbronner, R.L. (accepted). Malingering, mental retardation, and the death penalty. In J. Morgan and J. Sweet (Eds.). Neuropsychology of Malingering Casebook.
Nelson, N.W., Sweet, J.J. & Heilbronner, R.L. (accepted). Examination of the new MMPI-2 Response Bias Scale (Gervais): Relationship with MMPI-2 validity scales. In the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology.
Henry, G.K., Heilbronner, R.L., Mittenberg, W., & Enders, C.(accepted). The Henry-Heilbronner Index: A 12 item empirically-derived MMPI-2 subscale for identifying probably malingering in personal injury and disability claimants. The Clinical Neuropsychologist.

Edited by Robert L. Heilbronner, Ph.D. ABPP-CN
This volume brings together leading neuropsychologists to shed light on the nuts and bolts of forensic practice. Contributors demonstrate how they go about reviewing reports and depositions in a particular case, providing fine-grained analysis of the opinions and conclusions of the examiner. Unique in providing multiple perspectives on each case, the book identifies common clinical and professional pitfalls and how to avoid them.
ISBN 978-1-59385-634-2 $55
Buy Neuropsychology in the Courtroom

Edited by Robert L. Heilbronner, Ph.D. ABPP-CN
Published by Guilford Publications, Inc., 2005
This unique compendium of cases from experienced neuropsychologists offers a window into the complexities of conducting forensic assessments and serving as an expert witness. Covering both the civil and criminal arenas, the reader learns of evidence-based procedures for evaluating premorbid functioning, competency, malingering, and other forensic issues. Translating science to practice, the casebook yields valuable insights on navigating the twists and turns of the legal system.
ISBN 1-59385-185-5, 370 pages, $50
Buy Forensic Neuropsychology Casebook

Greg J. Lamberty, John C. Courtney, Robert L. Heilbronner
Published by Swets & Zeitlinger, January 2003
“This volume is essential reading for the practicing neuropsychologists regardless of experience and is nothing less than indispensable for the student neuropsychologist, from novice to advanced learner.”
- Ken Adams, University of Michigan
ISBN 9026519400, 384 pages.
Attorneys and Experts Learn How to Avoid Common Courtroom Forensic Errors
CHICAGO-(BUSINESS WIRE)-Trial lawyers, civil litigators and criminal defense attorneys will find Dr. Robert Heilbronner’s latest book, “Neuropsychology in the Courtroom: Expert Analysis of Reports and Testimony” (Guilford Press, 2008), to be an informative legal guide for the evaluation of neuropsychological impairments in civil and criminal litigation.
“Attorneys will learn how to properly evaluate clients who are claiming to suffer from such conditions as traumatic brain injury or chemical sensitivity,” reports Dr. Heilbronner. “Best practices in clinical decision making are identified to help experts and litigators avoid the common courtroom pitfalls in forensic analysis.”
In addition to Dr. Heilbronner’s work as editor, contributing experts provide in-depth chapters addressing various aspects of brain injury and neuropsychological impairments. The book provides multiple perspectives on sample cases, including coverage of concussions, electrical injury, neurotoxic exposure, pediatric cases, and more.
“Neuropsychology in the Courtroom” is Dr. Heilbronner’s most recent text in a series of books on litigation-related neuropsychology topics. Earlier books edited or co-edited by Dr. Heilbronner include “Forensic Neuropsychology Casebook” (Guilford Press, 2005) and “The Practice of Clinical Neuropsychology” (Swets & Zeitlinger, 2003).
This new 268-page hardcover book can be ordered from the publisher online at, toll-free at 1-800-365-7006 or via fax to 1-212-966-6708. The ISBN is 978-1-59385-634-2.
Robert L. Heilbronner, Ph.D., ABPP-CN is a board-certified neuropsychologist and the Director and Founder of the Chicago Neuropsychology Group. He holds faculty appointments at Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine and The University of Chicago Hospitals, Pritzker School of Medicine. He is on the board of directors of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology and is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the National Academy of Neuropsychology.
Dr. Heilbronner serves as a court-approved forensic expert who consults with plaintiff and defense attorneys in regard to the impact of brain injuries and various neurological disorders in civil, criminal and capital cases. His areas of specialty include the neuropsychological manifestations of mild traumatic brain injury and concussion; neurotoxic exposure; malingering; dementia; and other disabling medical and psychiatric conditions. Details at Dr. Heilbronner can be reached at or 312-345-0933.
Contacts For Chicago Neuropsychology Group, Chicago
Legal Expert Connections
Margaret Grisdela, 561-266-1030
- Event: North American Brain Injury Society 18th Annual Meeting
- Topic: Malingering
- Date: September 22-24, 2005
- Location: Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Amelia Island, Florida
- Event: Life in the Balance 2004: National Association of Legal Aid & Defender Program
- Topic: Advances in the neuropsychological assessment of malingering
- Date: March 2004
- Location: Memphis, TN
- Event: Presenting Psychological and Neuropsychological Evidence in Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice Cases.
- Topic: Common errors made by neuropsychologists in personal injury and medical malpractice cases
- Date: April 2005
- Location: Chicago, IL
- Event: ABA Death Penalty Representation Project and Center for Justice in Capital Cases
- Topic: Psychiatric and neuropsychological syndromes in mitigation.
- Date: June, 2005
- Location: Chicago, IL